Programs For Accreditation

JIC intends to get re-accreditation for the Associate Degree Programs listed below by the Technology Accreditation Commission (TAC) of ABET, Inc.:

1.    Electrical Power Engineering Technology (ELET)

2.    Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology (ICET)

3.    Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MAET)

4.    Mechanical Maintenance Engineering Technology  (MMET)

5.    Chemical Engineering Technology (CHET)

6.    Polymer Engineering Technology (POLY)

7.    Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation Engineering Technology (NDTEET)

JIC intends to get re-accreditation for the Bachelor Degree Programs listed below by the Technology Accreditation Commission (TAC) of ABET, Inc.: ​

1.    Electrical  Engineering Technology (ELET)

2.    Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology (ICET)

3.    Mechanical Engineering Technology (MEET)

4.    Chemical Engineering Technology  (CHET)