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Jubail Industrial College Participates in the Gulf Engineering Forum 22

Jubail Industrial College participated in the Gulf Engineering Forum 22, which was organized by the Saudi Council of Engineers on March 11-12 2019 in Dammam under the title "Engineering Reality in the Light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution." Dr. Eid M. Al-Hajri, JIC Managing Director, has presented a paper entitled "The Role of the Technical and Engineering Education in Preparing Highly Qualified Workforce for the Fourth Industrial Revolution."

The forum aims to discuss the technical aspects of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) and its impact on the engineering sector in various fields, including production and smart factories, and to work to benefit from them for the good of different interested parties from the GCC countries. Also, a number of faculty members and outstanding students from the different engineering technology departments at the college have participated in the forum.

It is worth mentioning that the contribution of Jubail Industrial College in the forum was to be an educational sponsor.